So whats really post in Blogger means?, Simply posting in blogger means the articles or the web pages you add into your blog for others to read or for individual useage. The number of posts you make according to your blog title for each month will be Archived in blogger database. Posting in blogger is very simple and easy if you have a good hand on it by posting articles. So without going into theory lets discuss the elements behind Posting.
Posting in Blogger is more like, how you write articles in a Word document. Its very user friendly. You have elements like Font Style, Font Size, Bolding, Italicizing, aligning, bulleting, block quoting or quoting and adding multimedias. I assume that all may be familiar on these so let us assume we all know how to use these in blog posting. Under posting you have 3 tabs, namely:
- Create.
- Edit Posts.
- Moderate Comments.
1. Creating Post in Blogger: is just like we discussed earlier is just like using a normal word documents, So let us not go more detail into that. Simply its the place where we post our articles or web pages to our blog.
While posting we have 2 options on how you can write an articles to your blog, either in normal Text format or else HTML format. So if you want to add any html script to your blog post, simply you can go to your Edit HTML and write your script and than come back again to Compose. Usually when i am writing any articles i write in Edit HTML which i reckon easy than the Compose Mode.
2. Editing Post in Blogger: means where after a blog post has been made, and we find the article posted should be manipulated, i.e:
- Insert new Data to the Blog Post,
- Update the Blog Post,
- Delete certain parts of the post or the whole posts itself, and
- Editing Labels. (We shall discuss about Labels in Blogger in our future post)
3. Moderate Comments in Blogger: is the place where you as a Administrator can accept or reject comments made by your readers of your blog. And to activate this feature make sure you have Allow Comment Moderation as "Always" in your Comment Settings(for further reading, read our article on "Settings").
Now we have studied the basics of Posting in Blogger and we shall learn more on Settings and Layouts in our future post. Happy posting guys ;).
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